Hey, who forgot the unicorns?!? — IGNITE 7.3.11

Throughout the summer, our middle-school group (IGNITE) is making their way thru a “choose your own adventure” bible study. Each week, the students have an opportunity to choose next week’s lesson via voting for their favorite of three taglines.

Last week’s winning tagline was “Hey, who forgot the unicorns?!?”…

No, my lesson wasn’t regarding C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia”… but as some of you might have guessed, the lesson was about Noah & the ark.

Here were just a few of the points we touched on…

Noah/Ark = EPIC Apocalyptic Story (way cooler than the Cusak movie ‘2012’)

The Lord was sorry that He had made man . . . He was grieved in His heart“: God knew all along how things would turn out, yet our text tells us loud and clear that as God sees His plan for the ages unfold, it affects Him. God is not emotionless in the face of human sin and rebellion.

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord“: No one earns grace, but we can all find it bestowed within the eyes & open arms of God.

Romans 5:20 — “…sin abounded, grace abounded much more…” — though the world was on route to hell in a hand-basket, God’s grace superseded sin & made a way… ULTIMATELY making a way for Jesus to come down the road.

The ARK — 450 ft long (1.5 football fields) x 75 ft wide x 45 feet high

Then Noah built an altar…“– Noah’s first act after leaving the ark was to worship God…

The Lord smelled a soothing aroma“: Noah’s costly sacrifice pleased God. It was as if God smelled the great aroma of the roasting meat (indicating that God loves a barbecue)… — this was an ANTHROPAMORPHISM: attributing human characteristics to God…

— Don’t compromise || STAND UP 4 CHRIST

— stop justifying what you do just ‘cuz it looks cool…

— We CANNOT save ourselves… only God can do that.

— Noah walked w/ God… do YOU walk with God?

— The movie “Evan Almighty” doesn’t compare to the time, effort, and obedience that Noah invested in building the ark…

— Matt. 24:36-44… the End of Days will be much like the days leading up to the flood…

— God is CERTAINLY a God of second (third, fourth, fifth, etc) chances…

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